2014 Meeting Minutes
The spring meeting was called to order by President Reed at 9 am.
The minutes from the annual meeting were read and a motion by Tim Thomas was made to accept as read seconded by Frank motion passed.
Tim Thomas made the motion to pay all bills associated with this meeting and any expenses related to the mailing of the membership renewals. Seconded by Jerry Wheeler motion passed
Treasurer report: attached to this report. Membership secretary report: attached to these minutes.
Director’s reports:
Rich: not much going on. He did speak with Lillian Wood and she did state she was pretty busy and wouldn’t be able to help. Rich said he will continue to look for help. He has updated his web site on the NY-SAFE website. He will continue to help with school programs as time allows.Tim T. June 5, 2018 is the Oneida County Fire Safety Expo. Not much else is going on, is scheduled for surgery again and won’t be at Pub Ed. Tom B(past president) Tom and Frank are still going to the Joint council meeting and is sending the minutes to Lisa to forward to the board. The legislation is on hold until some questions are answered. Bob Reed stated he isn’t getting any help moving it forward. The bill is in law but the financial committee is holding it up. Frank: report attached to these minutes. The Chaplin’s are reporting that they too are having trouble finding people to join. They will take anyone that is interested.Jerry: Senator O’Mara proposed a bill that if any fire fighter is hurt during a fire at suspected meth lab the crime would now be Arson in the 1st degree. It is in the third printing should be law soon. Mary K Appy to us the my safe home program for the program he has been working on. It is a good program already done just a few things to be added. We need to market it to the insurance companies to get them on board. Lisa made a motion that Jerry give Mary K a dead line to give him a price on the program already written. He can then shop it around to insurance companies. If it works we can ask for a percentage of any money they collect. Tim T seconded motion passed. New board members were welcomed: Joe Nemier was introduced as the new director from the central area. He will be taking over for Steve Yaciuk who stepped down due to lack of time. Jason Benn who comes to us from Canada. He will take over from Dave Blizzard who has retired. Rick Nemier made the motion to appoint Joe to fill out Steve’s spot and then run in May. He amended to include appointing Jason also. This is not a voted director spot. Tim Thomas seconded motion passed.Presidents Report: over the last three years some thing were accomplished and some were not. Thanks to all for the help and support and wishes Rich F well.Bob reports that the plaque is finally up on the wall at the academy and he has emailed the mission statement to them and that should be up by Pub Ed as well.
Bob will email everyone the pass word and instruction on how to get on the web site and update your spot.Just a reminder that dues should be paid prior to elections in May.T-shirt blanket: thanks to all who sent Lisa shirts. The blanket is done and now we need tickets. Jason offered to print up tickets and bring with him to Pub Ed. Since some of the activities are off site we should be able to sell tickets at Pub Ed this year.
Bob brought up that in Mass. There is legislation that upon a closing on a house that the fire dept do a walk through to inspect for smoke alarms and co detector. Bob proposed this to be our next project to get this in NY also. Jerry had a few questions, training of fire fighters to do these inspections and set a universal price for the cost of doing these inspections and explain where the money goes.
Tom would like information on this to take to joint council, Bob will get it to him. A discussion ensued.
NY-SAFE educational scholarship:
Lisa brought up that she and Rick N have been working on a scholarship to the Pub Ed conference. The idea is to encourage people to attend the conference. It is aimed at people who can’t get their fire dept to pay. Lisa has a criteria typed up and will send it out to the board for approval. The hope is that the raffle of the blanket will fund this over time.
Jerry suggested that we ask the fire dept cover 25.00 of the cost of the conference. The scholarship would cover the rest. The cost of the conference runs around 110.00. Lisa brought up naming it the Mike Finneran scholarship, Rich F said he would try and reach out to Mikes kids and see if they are ok with the idea. For now it will be named The NY-SAFE educational fund.
Tom made the motion that Rick N sent aside 200.00 now ( cost of the having the blanket made (75.00) plus 125.00) seconded by Jerry motion passed.
Tim Thomas made the motion to move forward with this seconded by Joe N motion passed. Jason said that his wife Amy will be donating a hand made quilt for next years raffle. A huge thank you to Amy!
Slate of officers for next year:
Pres: Jerry nominated Rich F seconded by Bob R motion passed
V.Pres: Tom B nominated Jerry W seconded by Frank F motion passed Membership Bob Reineke, Bob sent a letter saying he would like to run again. Rick N made the motion to accept his letter seconded by Tom B motion passed. Treasurer: Frank F nominated Rick N seconded by Lisa motion passed Secretary: Bob nominated Lisa S seconded by Rick N motion passed. East: Bob nominated Frank F seconded by Tim T motion passed West: Lisa S nominated Bob Reed seconded by Jerry motion passed Central :Rick N nominated Joe Nemier seconded by Lisa motion passed North Central :Rick N nominated Tim Thomas seconded by Rich F motion passed Hudson is still open.The annual meeting will be held at the Pub Ed conference on Friday night at 5 with the room to be announced there.
Good of the Order: Tom a motion that the spring meeting be moved to the Syracuse area since the majority of the board lives closer to that area. And that the meeting be held in late February or early March. Seconded by Frank motion passed.
By law change: Article V line 4 change 90 day prior to meeting to 30 days. For by law changes. Some discussion. The motion was made by Bob Reed seconded by Joe N motion passed . Bob will write it up.
Meeting adjourned at 11:55
Motion to adjourn made by Tim T seconded by Frank F motion passed
Respectfully submitted Lisa Shellman, Secretary, NY-SAFE
NY-SAFE Annual meeting May 5, 2017 The annual meeting of NY-SAFE was called to order by President Bob Reed at 6pm
Following the pledge of Allegiance the minutes from the spring meeting were read and a motion by Tom Burns was made to accept as read seconded by Rich Frasco motion passed
The treasures report was unchanged from the spring meeting so a motion was made Rich Frasco to accept as read the month before seconded by Tom Burns motion passed.
Presidents report: not much to report since last month. Bob has been updating the web site as people send him stuff and now has it so even google chrome users can access their areas and update it.
Vice President: no report. Has been attending the joint council meetings
Membership Secretary; see attached
Directors reports:
Rich: not much going on. Was going to reach out to Lillian from Oak hill Durham about taking over his Hudson valley spot but believed she’d be too busy with her fasny work also but will check with her. Steve Y: has been asked by Lisa to do a program for the preschoolers at the state chief’s conference in June.
Frank: sent some information to Bob Reed to go on web site about hoarding and the fire service. There is some good information on there.
Tim Thomas: has had surgery to repair shoulder injury and will be laid up for a bit. Will keep us posted on his progress. Al: no report sent but will be stepping down.
Past President: Tom and Bob Reineke have new art work for the new application should have them by state chiefs in June. Joint council agrees that they are having communication problems with each other and are looking to do better moving forward.
Jerry: working on the final pieces of program and will be contacting insurance companies soon. Bob Reed said he would reach out to state farm and some others. Jerry will reach out to vfis.
Jerry will also get the information to Tom Burns so that he can bring it back to Joint council. The next joint council meeting will be June 8th and Rick Nemier said he was hoping to attend also.
No old business
New Business NoneGood of the order; Tom Burns made a motion that the president seek a new Canadian liaison for NY SAFE seconded by Tim Boel motion passed. Rick Nemier suggested Bob reach out to Jason Benn who was attending the conference.
Bob Reed stated that he had a brass trumpet that he will be donating for the raffle and handed out tickets. The drawing will be in June at State Chiefs.
Election of officers:
Tim Boel made the motion that the secretary cast one vote for al unopposed offices except the secretary position seconded by Tom Burns motion passed.
Tim Boel made the motion that the President cast one vote for the position of secretary seconded by Frank Fiato motion passed.
Officers elected:
President: Bob ReedVice President: Rich Frasco
Membership secretary: Bob Reineke
Treasurer: Rick Nemier
Secretary: Lisa Shellman
West Central Director Jerry WheelerPast President Tim Boel gave the oath of office.
Motion to adjourn made by Rick Nemier seconded by Rich Frasco motion passed
Meeting adjourned 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Lisa Shellman, Secretary NY-SAFE